I’ve read a bunch of great books lately but one in particular that stands out is The Compound Effect (Affiliate Link) by Darren Hardy. In the book he talks about making small tweaks in different areas in your life in order to achieve a more positive and successful life and business.
(Affiliate Link)
One of my biz friends and I were chatting the other day about how we can help each other step up our game and we decided to go through this book together. Each week we’ll be reading a chapter and following through by doing the exercises at the end of each chapter. We’ll then “meet” online to discuss what breakthroughs we had and the action steps we’re taking to move forward.
Do you tend to get really excited and inspired about the concepts you read in a great book having every intention to follow through with the concepts but never seem to do it?
Want to be book buddies?
If you’d like to make some positive changes in your life and biz and want to have some accountability, come read along with me and join my free Facebook group so we can discuss each week. You won’t be far behind because we’re only on chapter 1 and it’s not a long chapter.
We’d love to have the company and it will feel amazing as we all grow together.
Join the Life Happens Now facebook group now!