How’d that go for you?!?
Did you actually ever start?
Really when you think about it when is something ever perfect? A lot of times you just have to go for it. Whether it’s starting a new business, taking a class, signing up for a program, or trying something new in your business – just START.
I have plenty of things on my list that I want to do but one thing that kept popping up for me was to start my own facebook group. I had all of these doubts and worries – (one of them being that no one would join) and it kept me from creating it.
Last night I bit the bullet – stayed up waaaay too late and clicked on that Create Group button and finally did it.
I’m happy to say as I’m writing this, my biggest fear has disappeared – I currently have FOUR members!! 🙂 Hey – you’ve gotta start somewhere, right?!?
My intention is to bring together a collection of unstoppable women that will support and inspire each other in their new creative business ventures in a positive, high vibe atmosphere. NO NEGATIVITY ALLOWED!!! We all have different and unique strengths to offer and could all use our own personal cheerleader from time to time.
If this resonates with you, here’s the link to request to join:
What is it that you’ve been wanting to start but haven’t made that leap to do yet?