Last Monday at 1pm I was booking my flight for Denver. Four hours later I was on my way to the airport. Fortunately I had clean clothes to pack – enough for my 2 night stay.
Why was I on a mad rush to Denver?
Definitely NOT for the legalized pot! Whew that city reeks!
My business coach was having an intimate live event and I knew I just had to be there!
I’m part of a group coaching program with other female entrepreneurs from around the country and the world. We’ve been a support system for one another through group calls and the private facebook group but there’s no comparison to being in person.
With the support of both family and friends, I went for it and I’m so glad I did.
For 2 full days it was all about business. No talk about our kids, laundry, school or anything else. It was hyper focused on our businesses! There were about 25 in attendance and we were all at varying levels in our business so it was great to pick up tips listening to more seasoned veterans. I had plenty of aha moments and the personal connections I made were invaluable.
The event was held at The Oxford Hotel – the oldest hotel in Denver. Much of the time was spent in the nearby downtown area near Union Station. I had THE BEST tomato soup there – ate it 3 times!!
It’s interesting coming from NYC – you just expect certain things and you forget that the rest of the world is at a different pace. As another NYer at the event said “”This IS the rest of the world, NY is it’s own world.” Good or bad, it’s true.
If there’s something you’ve been wanting to do, do it.
Invest in yourself. Make it happen. You can do it and you’re so worth it!
Life Happens Now.